Thursday, August 3, 2023

shed your skin, don’t be afraid to evolve (GlitterGLOG class: WITCH)

It just wasn't fair. It wasn't fair that you lived in a world teeming with unmatched biodiversity, with quintillions of animals in every beautiful shape, and here you were stuck with just one.

There was a time you would have lamented this injustice, cursed your obdurate flesh. But you've learned, since then, that a little larceny can even the scales.

You are envy realized, a lesson in fluidity, a tribute to evolution, and you can turn into a goddamn moose whenever you want so they'd better not fuck with you.



bloody bone witch, jmichek

“Let no shape bind you. Transcend the limits of your given form. Go apeshit.”


Starting Equipment: 

-one taglock from an animal of your homeland (see below) (1 slot);

-a skinning knife (light sharp) (1 slot);

-a ragged outfit (light armor) (1 slot);

-3 rations worth of jerky, nuts, and candy (3 slots)


Level 1: envious, wildshape
Level 2: circean, shed skin

Level 3: ever-shifting, sheep’s clothing

Level 4: chimeric

Envious: You have a collection of taglocks taken from beasts, whether living or dead. You decide what each one looks like – perhaps a jangling necklace of bone, a taxidermied insect, or a braided scrap of hair. These items are what allow you to wildshape – You may only become a beast if you have an appropriate taglock. You can gain new taglocks by taking them from beasts, though if they are alive and unwilling you will likely be met with resistance. Only a single taglock can be harvested from any given carcass. Only a witch knows how to harvest and use taglocks, but they can be traded between witches. Most taglocks are 1-slot items.

Wildshape: Use one of your taglocks to shapeshift into the corresponding animal as a one-point action, trading your physical abilities for its own. You keep your own attributes, but for each witch level you can increase any combination of your STRONG, STURDY, SLIPPERY, Attack bonus, or AC by 1. You lose all your nonmagical abilities and gain all of the nonmagical abilities of the animal you become, and trade all your tags for its tags, plus the magical and person tags. Your wildshapes are obviously unnatural in a way associated with your identity, such as by retaining your hair color, your eyes, or some aspect of your aesthetic.

Circean: As a two-point action, you can use one of your taglocks in an attempt to polymorph a single creature you are touching. This works without fuss on a willing target, but an unwilling target saves SPARKLY, and if they fail they are transformed into the animal corresponding to the taglock you used -- which becomes inert and unusable until you rest -- for 1d4+1 turns. The target retains their current Guard, memories and mental faculties and can still speak, but in all other respects is an animal now. You may also sacrifice the taglock you used to make the transformation permanent until dispelled.


Shed Skin: When you take damage while wildshaped, you may choose to revert to your natural form to negate the damage. The corresponding taglock becomes inert if you do this, and you may not use it until your next long rest.

Ever-Shifting: You can wildshape as a reaction. Additionally, the first time you wildshape on each of your turns, it costs no action points.

Sheep’s Clothing: When wildshaping, you can choose to become a natural-seeming animal instead of adjusting your attributes. You are able to pass for a normal animal unless you blow your cover, though thorough inspection may still give you away. While using Sheep’s Clothing you may drop the disguise and immediately adjust your attributes accordingly as a free action.

Chimeric: When you wildshape, you may use two taglocks to create a merged form of those animals, gaining the chimera tag and all of the tags and abilities from both. If you Shed Skin while in a chimeric form, revert to your natural form as usual but choose which of the two taglocks becomes inert. In Laurentia, people might believe this chimeric form is a naturally-occuring monster, so you can use Sheep’s Clothing and Chimeric at the same time.

When you retire a level 4+ witch, you may choose to give away one of your taglocks. That single taglock can be used to Wildshape whether or not its wearer is a witch themself.




 i dont like the way many rpgs do druids. aside from the fact that the image codified into stock fantasy is drawn from conquering cultures' misconceptions of historical druids far more than it is actual celtic practice, i think the gygaxian model is just messy and unfocused. this is why i split their kit into three separate classes with tighter focuses -- the princess is a beastmaster who speaks to animals, the witch is the shapeshifter who becomes animals, and the botanist harnesses plants.


i borrowed a lot from princess in yellow's own shapeshifting witch, but i decided to make them feel more earthly and physical by having their shapeshifting require fetishes taken from animals -- which also makes them a tiny bit like a psuedo-prepared class, needing to manage their inventory of taglocks before setting off. shed skin borrows from dungeon world's druid, but i've overhauled its cost to fit my model better.


this is actually the first class i ever finished statting up for the glitterglog, and i'm especially fond of it. what do yall think? 

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