Saturday, January 25, 2025

blaster rules for glitterglog

I heard some folk round these parts were posting about gun's... Well, we don't know what gun's are in Laurentia but we do have blasters, for which my buddy Gigi Gutsygills and I wrote some rules many moons ago that I have, shamefully, neglected to share with my cherished readers for all that time. Let's fix that tonight.

A human blastermaster, made in Hero Forge by yours truly.

A blaster is sort of like a shitass retrofuturistic raygun with a wand for a barrel. I would have reflected this in the above model had Hero Forge a better selection of gun parts from which to kitbash such an implement but it didn't really. 

Blasters are a lot like gun's, but less lethal. A handblaster is analogous to a semiautomatic pistol. A jitterblaster is kind of like a submachine gun. A rattleblaster is a tommy gun; a rayler is a bolt action rifle made of a staff; a boomstick is a shotgun; and a bazinga is a rocket launcher.

There are no nonmagical gun's in this setting.



I need you to understand that I was a Tactical Breach Wizards fan before it ever released. I was one of the motherfuckers who watched every last dev video Tom Francis uploaded in the years prior to its release. This makes me cool and special, and I deserve recognition and accolades for having been excited about an upcoming video game.

 Firing a ranged weapon normally uses your SHREWD for its attack and damage. A range increment is how far a weapon can shoot before incurring penalty to hit -- For example, a handblaster has a -1 penalty if the target is 5 squares from its wielder, a -2 penalty if 9 squares from its wielder, and so on. Most blasters deal damage of a single element.

Blasters have twenty shots until they become dangerous to use. When destabilized in this way, they have a 50% chance to backfire and deal damage to you as well as your target. You can recharge your blasters at no cost when you rest. 

Piranha Launcher, Nick Southam

Handblaster: 1d6+SHREWD or SLICK damage. Range increment 4. One inventory slot.
You get a +1 bonus to hit if you finger-gun in real life as you attack.

Jitterblaster: 1d4+SHREWD. Range increment 4. One inventory slot.
Damage dice explode -- If damage roll is 4, you may expend another charge to roll again and add the damage together. This may continue indefinitely.

Rattleblaster: 1d4+SHREWD. Range increment 3. Two inventory slots.
As well as firing normally, you may alternatively expend three charges to spray and pray in a 3x2 area in front of you. If damage roll is 4, you may expend another charge to roll again and add the damage together. This may continue indefinitely.

Hired Gun, Eric Braddock. This fuckin Hearthstone set was one of the seminal influences on a much earlier version of my setting.

Rayler: 1d10+SHREWD. Range increment 6. Two inventory slots.
Shots pierce in a straight line -- roll to attack each other creature caught in line of fire too. Every target beyond the first takes half damage.

Boomstick: 2d6+SHREWD or STURDY. Range increment 2. Two inventory slots. Loud.
Instead of losing chance to hit with range increment, boomsticks fall off in damage. Costs 2 charges to fire. You gain a +1 to damage if you mime racking a shotgun in real life and make the appropriate sound effect.

Bazinga: 5d4+STURDY. Range 4. Three inventory slots. Loud.
Damage every target in a 3x3 area centered on any square within four squares of the wielder. If you are yourself caught in the explosion, you may reposition yourself up to [SUM] feet in the direction of your choice. Bazingas require a 1-point action to reload after every fire, and cost 5 charges to fire.

Also, I think Walfalcon's ska word gun's are a great idea but vehemently disagree that a gun named after Stupid Horse would prioritize and value nonlethal conflict resolution and have a distaste for killing. Stupid Horse is not an especially nonlethal song, not by nature. Thus I leave you here with a sentient blaster of my own.


Stupid Horse is a sawn-down rayler; for all mechanical purposes, treat it as a handblaster that takes up two inventory slots. Scrawled in permanent marker on its handguard are the words "LIVE FAST DIE LATER". A keychain charm of a dinky little misshapen horse hangs from its stickerbombed stock.

WANTS: motion movement the thrill of the chase
DISLIKES: stasis and languidity

Stupid Horse deals an extra point of damage for every step you travel the turn you fire it. It gains a +2 to hit when fired from a moving vehicle or steed. When it is unhappy, it fires with a -10 to hit.

Thursday, January 23, 2025

all according to keikaku (GlitterGLOG class: SCOUNDREL (or, Heist Movie Rogue))


An orc scoundrel. Made in Hero Forge by yours truly.

“There is honor among thieves. What of you, pig?”


Starting Equipment:

-a set of slightly rumpled formalwear (light armor) (1 slot);

-a fancy knife (light sharp) OR an engraved handblaster (scary) (1 slot);

-a fake ID card from an establishment of your choice (0 slots)

-2 rations worth of goat cheese and crackers (2 slots)

Level 1: always prepared, you mean this?
Level 2: kitty’s got claws, artful dodger

Level 3: i've been expecting you, dramatic infiltration
Level 4: i steal his pockets

Always Prepared: When shopping, you may spend any amount of gold or barter to buy an Unlabelled Package. When the package is unwrapped, you declare what it contains, as long as the contents comprise the appropriate number of inventory slots, don’t cost more than you originally paid, and could feasibly be purchased. You can put multiple items inside a large Unlabelled Package, including a smaller Unlabelled Package. You can have up to two Unlabelled Packages at a time.

You Mean This?: Once per rest, you may retroactively declare that you stole something you plausibly could've taken from someone you got in close with by swapping it with an item of similar size that was in your inventory at the time.

By Evyn Fong.


Kitty’s Got Claws: You may always declare that you have a knife (light sharp -1) hidden somewhere on you. Even if your inventory is empty, you can reveal one as long as you’re wearing anything at all.

Artful Dodger: Once per combat per opponent, you may declare that you coolly sidestep a melee attack and reposition yourself one square diagonally from your current position.


I've Been Expecting You: At the start of an encounter resulting from the Heat Clock, you may explain how you knew the other party were coming. Your crew gets a guaranteed surprise round during this encounter. You may use this ability once per dungeon run. (Leaving and re-entering the same dungeon will allow you to use this ability again.)

Dramatic Infiltration: At any time you're not in immediate danger, you may declare that you are walking offscreen. While offscreen in this way, you may reveal yourself to have been a minor NPC in the background of any scene all along, as long as there actually are minor NPCs in the background of the scene. You can always walk back on stage at any time. This ability is limited by plausibility.

I Steal His Pockets: Replace the word “plausibly” in You Mean This? with “physically.”

When you retire a level 4+ scoundrel, you may later declare at any time that any single item from the retired scoundrel’s inventory was secretly placed into another player character’s all along. You may do this only once.



this class has laid languishing in my drafts for like six months. i've had this queued since back when i was in college. i've been obsessively editing it ever since without sharing it. wrong with me, frankly. it's out here in the world. if there's anything more wrong with it i'll fix it with reception and feedback in mind instead of getting neurotic like this again. more posts soon. more posts soon. 
Chi Wen Tzu used to playtest his rules before posting them. The Master, hearing of this, said, "Writing them out is quite enough."

Thursday, October 5, 2023

i'll be your shield, bro (GlitterGLOG class: GALLANT)



“My cause is totally righteous, dude!”

Starting Equipment: 

-a longboard, snowboard, surfboard, or similar board of transit (2 slots);

-melee weapon of your choice (varies);

-dripped-out heavy armor (4 slots);

-3 rations worth of travel-safe hot dogs, mini pizzas, and/or canned beer (3 slots);

-a worthy cause (a place in your heart)

Dripped-Out Armor: You’ve basically got light armor over your heavy armor, so it’s a +4 armor. No one other than a gallant is confident enough to pull this off effortlessly, so this functions as normal heavy armor for other classes.


Level 1: bro code, staunch attunement, hang in there
Level 2: righteous steed, +gallantry
Level 3: the tony hawkman effect, +gallantry
Level 4: keep hanging on, +gallantry

Bro Code: Whenever you gain a level in gallant, you make a new vow. This should be fairly specific and something you could conceivably fail at – “I will uphold justice” or “I will be merciful” aren’t great vows, but “I will never damage an old car” or “I will not kill” are. When you break a vow, you lose a gallant level and that vow the next time you complete a rest, unless you have atoned. When you uphold your vow at cost to yourself, you gain an additional use of Hang In There for the day.

Staunch Attunement: At character creation, choose two damage types from Cold, Wet and Righteous. Whenever you use an ability with Attuned damage, you deal damage of those two damage types. You also deal an extra 1 point of typed damage using items with your Attuned types.

Hang in There: Restore 1d6 Guard to a target within one square. You may use this ability [GALLANT LEVEL]x2 times per rest.

Righteous Steed: The board from your starting equipment becomes a magic item, and returns to you in two days if it is lost or destroyed, including if you already lost it. It is obviously Glittery and functions as if under its own power. You may also use your faithful steed as a medium Blunt reach weapon. It won’t mind.

Gallantries: You have to support your cause somehow, but not everyone agrees in what way is best. At every level after the first, you can select a Gallantry that not every gallant has access to – see the list below.

The Tony Hawkman Effect: When you are not wearing your full armor and do not visibly have your righteous steed, you may designate yourself as unrecognizable to authority figures. In combat, you may designate everyone else as targets of diminished import by dramatically donning your helmet or drawing your righteous steed. For at least the actions immediately after revealing your identity, enemies will target you in lieu of your allies. 

Keep Hanging On: Hang in There now restores 1d6+4 Guard and you can choose to roll again if you roll 1 or 6 by expending an extra usage. You can keep rolling indefinitely as long as you have the uses for it. The +4 Guard is applied once after all dice are rolled.

When you retire a level 4+ gallant, you may bequeath your righteous steed to a worthy recipient. They are not proficient with it as a weapon and cannot make use of its more esoteric powers, but it does serve as a tower shield that grants its user Creepy Resist 4 and only weighs as much as a heavy shield, since it’s made of wood.



by makkon 



Choose one of these every time you gain a gallant level after the first.

Get Down, Dude!: (Loud) You may intercept an attack meant for a character that is within your movement range. Move to the square that character occupied, move them one square in any direction that makes sense, and take the attack as if you were the original target in all ways. You cannot use this ability without shouting its name, in and out of game.

Bodacious Bulwark: Once per scene, if you are wielding your righteous steed, you may swing it to the side to block an incoming attack directed at a character within your melee range. Roll melee damage with any appropriate bonuses and reduce the character’s damage taken by that amount, and then reduce it by 4 more if it’s Creepy damage.

Swipe Out: You may sweep your righteous steed across the three or six spaces in front of you in one motion, making a single standard attack roll applied to all targets. Targets take one less damage for each target of the attack.

Stay Sharp: You modify your righteous steed, such as by sharpening its fin or barbing its wheels, such that it may deal Sharp damage. You choose whether your steed deals Sharp or Blunt damage every time you attempt an attack.

Keep It Cool: Rations and similar items kept on your person are kept cool or frozen and prevented from contracting mold, bacterial contaminant, or even magical spoilage. You also gain a travel cooler and can fit 5 rations in it. You may only select this gallantry if your Staunch Attunements include Cold.

Hydrate or Die-drate: Whenever you complete a long rest, you create a radical elixir that counts as a ration and restores 1d6 Guard when imbibed. You may only select this gallantry if your Staunch Attunements include Wet.

Sword and Board: Your righteous steed now deals Righteous damage in addition to its other damage types, and it also deals extra damage. It deals +[GALLANT LEVEL] damage, and also benefits from your Staunch Attunement. You may only take this if your Staunch Attunements include Righteous.


by Paul G

The Big One: (Loud, flashy) Once per long rest, you may use your righteous steed to make an attack powered by a rushing wave of water, dealing 5d6 Cold and Wet damage in a three-square-wide space in front of you and pushing all targets aside by one square. You must have at least two squares of space between you and the target to ride the big one. You may only select this gallantry if your Staunch Attunements are Cold and Wet.

Bros In the Hot Tub: The range of Hang in There increases to three squares. It also now creates soothing steam that cures mental conditions and anything that taking a bath could solve, like being on fire or not being Immaculate. You may only select this gallantry if your Staunch Attunements are Wet and Righteous.

Chill, Bro: Once per long rest, you may encase a foe you touch in Glittering ice for [GALLANT LEVEL-1] rounds, preventing all physical action for as long as the ice entraps them. The ice has Resist 5 against all damage except Hot and Blunt, and has 10 Guard. You may only select this gallantry if your Staunch Attunements are Cold and Righteous.



the gallant is intended to be a foil to the specter, the light knight to its dark knight with the opposite elements to match. the gallant is definitely the most support-oriented core class there is, but it's also martially capable because like, listen. i love playing healers but in my humble onion, i think heal monkeys are fucking boring a lot of the time. 


also, i think it's cute that the chivalrous gallant with its defensive abilities is kind of the ideal protector for the utility-focused princess


this entire "paladins are bros" bit spiraled out of me calling radiant damage "righteous".


thanks as always to my coconspirator gigi gutsygills for her help with this class.

Thursday, September 14, 2023

this is who i really am (GlitterGLOG class: SPECTER (antipaladin but awesome))


ph4nt()m__K1SS, catling specter -- made in Hero Forge by yours truly. 


“You wouldn't get it. But that's okay. I ride alone.”

You're dead to your peers, a revenant walking. The foolish mortals watched you patrolling the mall, black coat billowing behind you with a hand on the hilt of your blade, and they scoffed like you were lost. Whatever -- those sheep wouldn't know cool if it hit them with an exploding bike. You're a badass and you know it; and now that the plan's on fire and the guards are at the door, well... it's time to make sure everyone else knows it too.

Starting Equipment:

-ONE OF: a katana (medium sharp),

 a kusarigama (medium reach sharp),

 a fistful of shuriken (light sharp),

 OR a sansetsukon (+1 medium reach recoil blunt) (1 slot for katana or shuriken, 2 for kusarigama or sansetsukon) (you do not yet have proficiency with this weapon);

-the last two cans from a six pack of limited-edition Abomination energy drinks with a video game mascot on them (1 slot);

-a billowing trenchcoat (medium armor) (2 slots) OR a hooded cloak (light armor) (1 slot);

-1 ration worth of nacho cheese tortilla chips (1 slot)

Limited Edition Abomination: Restores one action point when consumed. When consumed by a specter, also grants one Cool Point. Other editions of Abomination do not grant Cool Points. Encountered in the wild, such as by a collector, you’re likely to find it in a six pack that
takes up three inventory slots and costs a small fortune.

Level 1: wicked sick, dark attunement, master forgive me
Level 2: path of the twisted fucking cycle, +1 forbidden technique
Level 3: welcome to my twisted mind, +1 forbidden technique
Level 4: getting serious, +1 forbidden technique

Wicked Sick
: You gain a Cool Point for doing something dangerous and badass. You lose a Cool Point for doing something uncool. The table decide by committee whether an action is badass, uncool or normal. Willfully endangering innocents or allies usually isn’t badass. There is no upper or lower limit on the number of Cool Points you can have, and you lose a specter level if you complete a rest with negative Cool Points.

Dark Attunement: At character creation, choose two damage types from Hot, Dry and Creepy. Whenever you use an ability with Attuned damage, it deals those damage types. You also deal an extra 1 point of damage using items with your Attuned types.

Master, Forgive Me: Go all out, just this once. You may spend a Cool Point to immediately make three attacks, and choose a target within range for each one. You may choose the same target more than once.

Path of the Twisted Fucking Cycle: You gain a twisted fucking cycle, which is unconcealably magical and wicked sick. It occupies 20 inventory slots if you’re physically carrying it. You can summon it in an area you could ride it in as an action. When riding adjacent to foes, your attacks gain a +[SPECTER LEVEL] damage bonus. The extra damage dealt is Attuned damage. You may leap off your cycle to have it barrel forward without you and explode to deal 5d6 Attuned damage, though this leaves you unable to summon it again until next nightfall.

Forbidden Techniques: Each specter manifests power in their own way – at every level after the first, you may select a forbidden technique to distinguish yourself from your peers.

Welcome to my Twisted Mind: Add +[SPECTER LEVEL] to your goal when resisting any mental effects inflicted by another creature, and if you succeed they must save or suffer the effects.

Getting Serious: When an ally falls to or below 1 Guard, you may use Master, Forgive Me immediately without consuming a Cool Point. You must either use the ability immediately or not at all. Summons or temporary mobs can only trigger this ability once per scene, but you can avenge your twisted fucking cycle if someone else destroys it.

When your dark work is done and you relinquish the mantle of the level 4+ specter, you may bequeath your twisted fucking cycle to a worthy successor, as determined by you. This successor should be appropriately wicked, but as a specter you decide what is cool.

Forbidden Techniques
Choose one of these every time you gain a specter level after the first.

Teleports Behind You
: You may spend a Cool Point to reposition yourself behind an enemy as a reaction to an enemy’s attempt to attack you, canceling the attack.

Nothing Personnel
: Every nightfall, you may summon [SPECTER LEVEL]+1 minions. They each have one point of Guard, zero in every stat, and your attack modifier. The nothing personnel take damage from sunlight.

Crystallize the Pain
: Once per rest, you can grab an attack out of the air. You take full damage, and create a fist-sized pain crystal containing the attack as a 1-slot item. You can throw a pain crystal to permanently shatter it, unleashing the attack stored within.

Bad Girls And Bad Boys
: In dungeons (broadly defined) that you visit, the same hot adversary in black leather can sometimes be found aiding the dungeon’s boss. They are opposed to you but will not allow you to fall if they can help it. They have specter levels equal to your total character levels, up to level five. For level 5, they gain the last applicable forbidden technique.

Searing Sigil
: (Flashy) You may expend a Cool Point to inscribe a wall or large object with a personal, wicked sick sigil that glows dimly until you activate it. Upon activation, the sigil is expended, dealing one point of Hot damage to characters within one tile, and you explode through the wall with the sigil on it in a cloud of fire, riding your twisted fucking cycle. You may choose to destroy the wall. You may only select this forbidden technique if your Dark Attunements include Hot.

: (Scary) You may spend a Cool Point and touch a target to deal [SPECTER LEVEL]d4 Dry damage. This does an additional [SPECTER LEVEL]d4 damage to targets with significantly Wet properties. You may also use the ability to destroy potions and other watery items; this is a SPARKLY contest if the items in question are equipped and you can destroy up to [SPECTER LEVEL] equipped items. You may only select this forbidden technique if your Dark Attunements include Dry.

Something to Fear
: (Scary) When you take at least 4 damage in a single hit, you may spend a Cool Point to inflict one round of fear on the attacker. You may spend two Cool Points to grant an ally an immediate use of this ability by leveraging your reputation. The ally must be within 6 squares and their attacker must be able to see you or otherwise know of your association. You may only select this forbidden technique if your Dark Attunements include Creepy.

Burning Rubber
: (Flashy) While riding your twisted fucking cycle, you can leave a trail of flame behind you. It burns intensely enough to ignite particularly flammable things and deal 1 Hot and Dry damage to any character who enters it. As a bonus action, you can spend a Cool Point and intensify the flames to deal [SPECTER LEVEL] more. You may only select this forbidden technique if your Dark Attunements are Hot and Dry.

Call To Below
: You may spend a Cool Point to rip open a portal to Below, summoning a demonic biker-knight who will fight alongside you, or can service your twisted fucking cycle efficiently and competently. Your thrall will stay for [SPECTER LEVEL]+2 rounds. If it is slain, it will return home and will not respond to your call until the following nightfall. You may always avenge your thrall with Getting Serious, even if you avenged a different character or summoned ally this scene. You may only select this forbidden technique if your Dark Attunements are Creepy and Hot.

So Long Suckers!
: (Loud, flashy) As an action, rev up your twisted fucking cycle and create a huge cloud of dust. When the dust clears, a decoy of you appears to be flipping off the nearest opponent, distracting onlooking enemies as you maneuver yourself elsewhere. This only works on each opponent once per scene. You may only select this forbidden technique if your Dark Attunements are Creepy and Dry.


thank you to phlox for bringing us the darke renegade, to whom the specter owes a great deal of its lineage, as well as the inspiration for the crystalize the pain ability.

thank you to my friend and collaborator gigi gutsygills for helping me bring this class to fruition -- don't tell the others, but the specter's kind of our baby.


thank you to my friends card and strong for being real life specters



i thought it would be really funny to make the edgelord class be one of the core classes, and the more we developed it the more we realized it perfectly fit the tone of the setting. also, we've done a joker's trick by making the core class that most lends itself to being a dark and brooding type not only be an affectionate parody, but also by giving it a bunch of support abilities. being a team player is wicked sick, bro.


the specter is intended as a foil to the gallant, the dark knight to its light knight.

Thursday, August 3, 2023

shed your skin, don’t be afraid to evolve (GlitterGLOG class: WITCH)

It just wasn't fair. It wasn't fair that you lived in a world teeming with unmatched biodiversity, with quintillions of animals in every beautiful shape, and here you were stuck with just one.

There was a time you would have lamented this injustice, cursed your obdurate flesh. But you've learned, since then, that a little larceny can even the scales.

You are envy realized, a lesson in fluidity, a tribute to evolution, and you can turn into a goddamn moose whenever you want so they'd better not fuck with you.



bloody bone witch, jmichek

“Let no shape bind you. Transcend the limits of your given form. Go apeshit.”


Starting Equipment: 

-one taglock from an animal of your homeland (see below) (1 slot);

-a skinning knife (light sharp) (1 slot);

-a ragged outfit (light armor) (1 slot);

-3 rations worth of jerky, nuts, and candy (3 slots)


Level 1: envious, wildshape
Level 2: circean, shed skin

Level 3: ever-shifting, sheep’s clothing

Level 4: chimeric

Envious: You have a collection of taglocks taken from beasts, whether living or dead. You decide what each one looks like – perhaps a jangling necklace of bone, a taxidermied insect, or a braided scrap of hair. These items are what allow you to wildshape – You may only become a beast if you have an appropriate taglock. You can gain new taglocks by taking them from beasts, though if they are alive and unwilling you will likely be met with resistance. Only a single taglock can be harvested from any given carcass. Only a witch knows how to harvest and use taglocks, but they can be traded between witches. Most taglocks are 1-slot items.

Wildshape: Use one of your taglocks to shapeshift into the corresponding animal as a one-point action, trading your physical abilities for its own. You keep your own attributes, but for each witch level you can increase any combination of your STRONG, STURDY, SLIPPERY, Attack bonus, or AC by 1. You lose all your nonmagical abilities and gain all of the nonmagical abilities of the animal you become, and trade all your tags for its tags, plus the magical and person tags. Your wildshapes are obviously unnatural in a way associated with your identity, such as by retaining your hair color, your eyes, or some aspect of your aesthetic.

Circean: As a two-point action, you can use one of your taglocks in an attempt to polymorph a single creature you are touching. This works without fuss on a willing target, but an unwilling target saves SPARKLY, and if they fail they are transformed into the animal corresponding to the taglock you used -- which becomes inert and unusable until you rest -- for 1d4+1 turns. The target retains their current Guard, memories and mental faculties and can still speak, but in all other respects is an animal now. You may also sacrifice the taglock you used to make the transformation permanent until dispelled.


Shed Skin: When you take damage while wildshaped, you may choose to revert to your natural form to negate the damage. The corresponding taglock becomes inert if you do this, and you may not use it until your next long rest.

Ever-Shifting: You can wildshape as a reaction. Additionally, the first time you wildshape on each of your turns, it costs no action points.

Sheep’s Clothing: When wildshaping, you can choose to become a natural-seeming animal instead of adjusting your attributes. You are able to pass for a normal animal unless you blow your cover, though thorough inspection may still give you away. While using Sheep’s Clothing you may drop the disguise and immediately adjust your attributes accordingly as a free action.

Chimeric: When you wildshape, you may use two taglocks to create a merged form of those animals, gaining the chimera tag and all of the tags and abilities from both. If you Shed Skin while in a chimeric form, revert to your natural form as usual but choose which of the two taglocks becomes inert. In Laurentia, people might believe this chimeric form is a naturally-occuring monster, so you can use Sheep’s Clothing and Chimeric at the same time.

When you retire a level 4+ witch, you may choose to give away one of your taglocks. That single taglock can be used to Wildshape whether or not its wearer is a witch themself.




 i dont like the way many rpgs do druids. aside from the fact that the image codified into stock fantasy is drawn from conquering cultures' misconceptions of historical druids far more than it is actual celtic practice, i think the gygaxian model is just messy and unfocused. this is why i split their kit into three separate classes with tighter focuses -- the princess is a beastmaster who speaks to animals, the witch is the shapeshifter who becomes animals, and the botanist harnesses plants.


i borrowed a lot from princess in yellow's own shapeshifting witch, but i decided to make them feel more earthly and physical by having their shapeshifting require fetishes taken from animals -- which also makes them a tiny bit like a psuedo-prepared class, needing to manage their inventory of taglocks before setting off. shed skin borrows from dungeon world's druid, but i've overhauled its cost to fit my model better.


this is actually the first class i ever finished statting up for the glitterglog, and i'm especially fond of it. what do yall think?